Tag Archives: Calorie

How many calories did i burn ?

Basically, It has no any actual answer.

It’s also depend on your hight, wight, excersize activity.

Because, a heavier person burns more calories during activity than a lighter person.

If you can use any calories burn calculator for knowing about  your calories burn limit.

If you want check your calories burn limit by use another web link. i think it is so much easy.

By this calorie calculator you can  make  sure your won calorie burn limit.

Calories calculator here:  Webmd.com

See more about : General Knowledge

How many calories do i need ?

Calories depends on several factors.

It’s Including your age, size, height, sex, lifestyle, and overall general health.

But,  Active men and women who perform some  physical activity at 3-5 times a week,

They need between at least 1200 to 2600 more over calories.

See more about calorie

See more about :  General Knowledge